ancient ways for modern dayS

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practices to transform you.

from Confusion to clarity. from pressure to passion.

From times of CHALLENGE to the light of loving awareness.

Sophie works as a guide of transformational practices with classical yoga, Kundalini kriya, ancient Philosophy, Buddhist mindfulness, coaching + nlp, sensory therapy and ritual in a modernised + accessible way.

holding a deep respect for ancestral ceremony + activism, sophie is a Certified teacher and transformational coach, with a speciality in plant medicine integration.

In good company

Some of the clients I’ve Worked with since 2018

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Imperial College


I am a guide of transformational practices.

London-born I spent a decade working in Europe’s underground music industry and arts & nightlife culture, before devoting my life to spirituality.

Inspired by ancient practice, philosophy and ritual, I’ve learned effective techniques from cultures and traditions around the world to transform times of challenge into the light of awareness and positive change.

In the last 10 years, i’ve immersed in traditional Buddhist refuge and monasteries, shamanic plant medicine diets, silent retreats, the desert, ancient sacred sites, and extensive trainings.

I’ve also completed a number of teacher, coaching and trauma-sensitive certifications.

Now cultivating a unique form of ceremonious-style yoga which draws on my quest to recovery, I aim to embody my own journey from times of challenge and darkness, to the light of awareness, in an accessible way.

With core values of inclusivity and accessibility inspired by my connection to music as medicine - I work internationally with clients from global brands, university departments and corporate teams, to electronic music festivals and retreats, as well as for addiction recovery, and for children & teens with profound complex and special educational needs.

I am passionate about supporting us through times of challenge, towards the illumination of loving awareness, inspired by somatic and shamanic principles.

Sophie Air

journeying from times of darkness to the light of awareness.

Inclusive: ALL bodies + backgroundS welcome

Therapeutic: informed by a decade of trauma-informed study + recovery

ACCESSIBLE: all levels of experience including addicition recovery, special educational needs Corporate, music festivals + retreats




Sophie Air


In Latin, arcana means sacred mysteries or secret knowledge.

In The Amazon, curanderos use arkana as protection in ceremony to seal the spiritual work.

All demographics, all ages, all levels, all bodies, all genders, and all conditions, are part of universal source consciousness.

We currently as humanity have a responsibility to evolve positively - we can do this by learning from the wisdom that comes from within us, and the wisdom which came before us.

WHAT IS Arkana Yoga?

Arkana Yoga is a ritualistic experience inspired by somatic and shamanic principles.

It is a fusion of timeless techniques that facilitate transformation, on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.

Each session is designed uniquely for the client - combining certified coaching and mindfulness techniques, ancient wisdom philosophy, and personalised yogic practice.

Sessions use ritual and piercing loving presence to cultivate a deeply safe and sacred space for each person.

Sessions are soundtracked by intricately-curated playlists, fuelled by Sophie’s passion for world & underground music.

Sophie’s work is to create practice accessible to all levels of experience, body types, ages, and physical, mental & emotional states.

The depth of Sophie’s practice is inspired by her work with survivors of trauma, adults in recovery, and children with profound complex needs, as well as working with corporate teams, music festivals, studios & retreats internationally, alongside her own journey of recovery.

arkana’s core pillars include:

• HRIDAYA: Heart consciousness
• NADA: sound & deep listening
BHAKTI: devotion
INDRIYE: the senses
KARMA: service
